Graduation 2016

It was an exciting day. The day every student had been waiting for. Graduation Day at Hope School, when 12 students enthusiastically jumped onto the stage to receive their diplomas. Led by the Papal Boy Scouts group, the graduates walked around the hall saluting the parents and friends who came to share the graduates their joy.
The ceremony was held under the patronage of the mayor of Beit Jala, who was warmly welcomed by the chairperson and members of the board. Mr. Abu Amsha, the chairperson, listed the main achievements of the last three years. The principal, Dr. Jihan, demonstrated the progress in school performance and explained the impact of the special education program on the school's development.
The students expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards the school, teachers and the principal through two emotional speeches in English and in Arabic. The mayor expressed his excitement of the visible progress and success that the school witnessed over the last couple of years, thanking the school management and the staff.
At the end of the ceremony the students were awarded their diplomas by the school. In addition, the ceremony included a lot of praying, music, dancing and entertaining activities run by the students and peers.