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Graduation at Hope School

It is really a great day It is a great day for the graduates of Hope School, both adults and the pre-school kids. This year the school again reached a milestone when both generations; Kindergarten and High school graduates took the stage in a majestic entry to the hall in two rows following the school staff and the scouts group.

It was a fantastic day, full of cheers and happiness. Ten pre-school kids (Kindergarten) and ten adults marched together in two rows toward the stage following their lovely school staff and the school principal, led by the scouts group playing the National anthem.

Amid a very cheerful environment, three speeches were delivered by the Chairperson, school principal and the Ministry of Education. Speakers confirmed the progress noticed at Hope school in recent years, they thanked God and thanked the school BOD for saving the school from closure. As a second-chance school, everybody appreciated the good work of the school in dealing with students who were dismissed from their schools and have no place to go. At Hope school they find the suitable environment to reconsider their educational career and start again. “Let us start again” is the basic phrase we use to urge and encourage the students to start again from scratch and build a better future. The rate of success in the students’ educational performance at Hope School is 90%.

It was an overwhelming moment when the kids spoke in three languages: Arabic, English and Spanish, expressing in simple words their gratitude to the teachers and the audience who shared their joy. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU -Hope school staff

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